Monday, March 25, 2019

What is it Wednesday archive: May 23, 2018

Can you identify what's in this photo?

Each Wednesday morning 
on Camp Lutherlyn's Facebook page
 the Lutherlyn Environmental Education Program posts a photo. 

Readers have all morning and afternoon 
to make their best guess about what the photo is. 

Around 6 pm LEEP provides the answer and a brief explanation.

Each week's What is it Wednesday post 
will also be posted on the Nature of Lutherlyn blog, 
 after it is posted on Facebook,
sometimes with additional bonus information. 

In addition to bringing you current editions of What is it Wednesday 
on the Nature of Lutherlyn blog, 
we will be reposting old editions,
creating a What is it Wednesday archive. 

This photo was posted as a What is it Wednesday on
May 23, 2018. 

And the answer is....

These tracks found alongside Shawnee Run at Lutherlyn belong to a coyote. 

We often see evidence of coyote at Lutherlyn, such as tracks and scat, and occasionally hear their yips and howls at night. But they are sly and mostly nocturnal animals and are rarely seen. 

Eastern coyotes migrated into Pennsylvania through Canada through the mid-1900’s, interbreeding with wolves along the way: Eastern coyotes are larger than their western cousins, and have verified wolf DNA. They are opportunists and generalists, living in a variety of habitats and feeding on a mix of plants, small animals, and scavenged carcasses. As one of Pennsylvania’s largest remaining natural predators, coyotes fill an important role in the ecosystem, and are not a threat to humans (though it may be wise bring pet food and small pets inside to keep them safe). 

We’re glad to have these clever critters around!

Like and follow Camp Lutherlyn on Facebook, to see What is it Wednesday posts when they come out and have the opportunity to share your guesses in the comments!

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